Steps to a whole You

From the desk of That Pastor who lifts. mondaymotivation -As an individual dedicated to Biblical Counseling and Life Coaching, it gives me great joy to assist people in creating a more gratifying lifestyle. What does that mean? It is a Lifestyle that is so rewarding that the thought of an escape hardly crosses your mind.ContinueContinue reading “Steps to a whole You”

The Planters “Sowers Edition”

Starting over can be intimidating. But I’m always up to the challenge of New Beginnings. I am excited to see how these grow and change in new soil. I planted soil some time ago and didn’t groom some of the crops correctly. It’s really the trial and error that I’m learning not just about GardeningContinueContinue reading “The Planters “Sowers Edition””

On giving yourself some credit. But Give God the Glory. July Blog

1 Peter 4:12 Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. Considering all the things you’ve been through, trials, ups andContinueContinue reading “On giving yourself some credit. But Give God the Glory. July Blog”

Yes to the no’s

Every season God requires a different Type of obedience to Him.  There are some moments that we can count on the constent demands pulling on us, and then there are others that God simply requires rest in the everyday routines that only require basic functionality. What is your response to resting? Do you have thoughtsContinueContinue reading “Yes to the no’s”

Wonderfully Made

Its about Balance.  We live in a world that promotes physical beauty over spiritual maturity.  Our generation is run by social media and physical attributes are glamorized and prioritized over our soul prosperity.  Though it would be a wonderful thing to have what society labels a perfect figure,  I don’t believe we need to prioritizeContinueContinue reading “Wonderfully Made”

Ambassador ♥️

In many countries An Ambassador is an official envoy, especially a high-ranking diplomat who represents a state and is usually accredited to another sovereign state or to an international organization as the resident representative of their own government or sovereign or appointed for a special and often temporary diplomatic assignment according to wikipedia.  It canContinueContinue reading “Ambassador ♥️”

Don’t Forget

Its called self care for a reason.  This week take time to inspire yourselves and go through the steps that will help you to achieve overall wellness.   Self care encourages rest and an adventure to the beach.   Family, Career, Ministry, Life and everything else can be entirely busy.  Interactions with people daily can be draining. ContinueContinue reading “Don’t Forget”

Working Through Distractions

Good Morning Sunshine!! Remember not to allow anyone or anything to distract you from reaching your fullest potential. If you quit now you will never know how the story will end. Distractions should be used to your advantage… They should make you finish with greater determination. Don’t worry about rejection but surround yourself with peopleContinueContinue reading “Working Through Distractions”

The Importance of His Presence

Good Morning Sunshine!!  There is no better cure then the cure of the presence of God.  When God’s hand is upon our life there is no better peace that may fall on us.  In His presence there is fullness of Joy.  With all of life’s distractions, issues and chaos we should seek Him daily.  StayingContinueContinue reading “The Importance of His Presence”

The Whole Armor of God

There is nothing worse or more dangerous then Going into battle without your armor.  There are some things that we require when encountering a ruthless enemy.  Protective head gear, flack jacket, alice pack, rifle, canteen and chow.  These items are required because they keep us alive and fed.  Without these items we run the riskContinueContinue reading “The Whole Armor of God”

Forgiving Ourselves

Good morning Sunshine!  Even though God tells us to forgive one-another, we ought to also learn to forgive ourselves.  Forgiving ourselves is hard at time because we often equate  what is being said to what we did.  There are other situations that are similar to ours but we may not see this.  The truth isContinueContinue reading “Forgiving Ourselves”

Lift Devotions

Wisdom for Life, Spirt, Health and Wellness